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Everything You Need to Know About Cumulative Trauma Disorder

By Invictus Law |

Getting hurt on the job can occur due to an accident (specific injury) or repeated trauma from repetitive work (cumulative injury). While specific injury claims are the most common, California workers may also be compensated for cumulative injuries. Not all states cover cumulative injuries because it can often be challenging to prove fault. But… Read More »

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What to Know About ‘Permanent and Stationary’ Status

By Invictus Law |

Every workers’ compensation case is unique. The individual, extent of the injury, probability of rehab, and the job demands are all pieces of a puzzle that vary from one case to the next. In many cases, workers suffer an injury and can successfully rehab the injury over weeks or months, eventually returning to their… Read More »

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injured woman with crutches

What to Do When a Workers Comp Check is Late

By Invictus Law |

Injured workers in California are subject to a few protections that help ensure their employers make timely and appropriate benefit payments. The state enforces tiered penalties to deter insurance companies from skating their responsibilities in a worker’s compensation case. The California labor codes that enforce workers’ compensation penalties are sections 4650 and 5814. What… Read More »

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What Exactly is Compromise and Release

By Invictus Law |

A ‘compromise and release’ agreement is one resolution to a permanent disability workers’ compensation case. The agreement is a formal contract between the injured worker and the paying party to settle a lump sum payment claim. These agreements are often desirable for insurance companies because they can put a fixed dollar amount on the… Read More »

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Construction workers setting up hundreds of metal poles and trying to avoid injury.

What is MSA in Worker’s Comp Cases? Find out!

By Invictus Law |

When it comes to workplace injuries and getting the worker’s compensation you deserve, you need to understand your rights and acquire the help of quality attorneys to help you get the money you are rightfully owed. Please continue to find out everything you need to know about MSA in workers comp cases and what… Read More »

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A person properly filling out workers comp paperwork.

What You Need To Know about Workers Comp Status Conference Hearings

By Invictus Law |

A status conference is a unique type of hearing that helps both parties in a workers’ compensation case quickly resolve disputes to ready the case to go to trial. Related: The consequences of filing a fraudulent workers compensation claim A status conference can help to: obtain any necessary medical records document attendance at medical… Read More »

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What is a Mandatory Settlement Conference in a Workers Comp Case?

By Invictus Law |

A mandatory settlement conference is what happens when a workers’ compensation hearing allows the injured worker and the insurance company to discuss disputed issues. This conference is also where the parties can set the case up for the trial if needed. Each party fills out a joint statement referred to as a Pretrial Conference… Read More »

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Carpal Tunnel Workers Compensation: Average Settlement

By Invictus Law |

Carpal tunnel is a serious condition that can lead to debilitating injuries. When a carpal tunnel results from an on-the-job accident, there may be a compensation case. Workers’ comp settlements in the state of California can help the victim receive money for their lost wages and medical care as a result of the injury…. Read More »

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Getting Workers Comp Settlement for Herniated Disc

By Invictus Law |

When a job involves manual labor, workplace injuries are common. Herniated disc injuries often occur in the industrial and manufacturing industries. However, workers throughout the state can suffer from injuries related to their job. If you have suffered a back injury on the job, you can apply for workers’ comp for a herniated disc…. Read More »

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Steps to Finding an Attorney By Specialty

By Invictus Law |

A single unlucky day can set you back thousands of dollars. It could be discrimination at your full-time job. It could be a domestic abuse situation. How do you find an attorney by specialty when there are thousands of options at your disposal? Specialized attorneys are your best bet toward finding a reasonable legal… Read More »

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