Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs According to OSHA

While injuries on the job are a common yet unfortunate aspect of working, some professions remain to be more dangerous than others. Curious to see if your profession falls under one of the most dangerous jobs in the nation? Below, we’ll share with you what the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) deems the most dangerous work according to fatality rate.
1. Fishing and Hunting Workers
Fatal injury rate: 132.1 per 100,000 workers.
Fishing and hunting workers work with wildlife in a variety of aspects. They place traps, reel in catches through commercial fishing, and work on heavy machinery in order to follow through with their duties. These often hazardous conditions make this profession the most dangerous in the nation. Drowning is often the reason cited behind fatalities, but injury using heavy machinery can also contribute to deaths on the job.
2. Logging Workers
Fatal injury rate: 91.7 per 100,000 workers.
Loggers work in forests and other outdoor environments. They are tasked with using heavy machinery to cut down trees to create raw materials including lumber, paper, and cardboard. Aspects of this profession that make it dangerous include conditions that require the use of heavy machinery and contact with dangerous objects. Injuries related to heavy machinery are the most common reason for fatalities in this field.
3. Roofers
Fatal injury rate: 47 per 100,000 workers.
Being a roofer remains to be one of the most dangerous professions out there. Falls from either the roof they are working on or ladders they use throughout their job are the main reasons fatal injuries occur.
4. Construction Workers
Fatal injury rate: 43.3 per 100,000 workers.
Construction workers are tasked with a variety of duties, most if not all of which carry a heightened level of risk of injury. Construction workers are exposed to an environment where things can fall on them or they can fall from great heights while they are working. Missteps on ladders and injuries using heavy machinery are common reasons that lead to fatal injuries.
5. Aircraft pilots and Flight Engineers
Fatal injury rate: 34.3 per 100,000 workers.
Aircraft pilots and flight engineers were listed as the number two most dangerous jobs in 2018, but have since dropped in terms of a profession with the highest fatal injury rate. Fatal accidents in this profession commonly occur because of transportation incidents. While commercial airplanes remain to be incredibly safe, the most dangerous aspects of this job lie with private aircraft and helicopters.
6. Refuse Waste and Recyclable Material Collectors
Fatal injury rate: 33.1 per 100,000 workers.
Refuse waste and recyclable material collectors such as garbage men are exposed to a very difficult environment during their day-to-day routine. Injuries and fatalities typically occur among this workforce because of injuries involving heavy machinery on the trucks used. Because these workers often stop in the middle of traffic routes to collect trash, one of the most common reasons for fatalities in this field is because workers are struck by either the garbage truck or another vehicle.
7. Structural Iron and Steel Workers
Fatal injury rate: 32.5 per 100,000 workers.
One of the most common reasons for fatalities in this field is because of accidental falls, slips, and trips. Because these workers are tasked with constructing large structures using steel they are usually climbing on ladders, operating heavy machinery, or lifting, loading, and unloading steel. These duties all bring with them a variety of opportunities for accidental missteps to occur.
8. Delivery and Truck Drivers
Fatal injury rate: 25.8 per 100,000 workers.
Truck drivers, including small-scale delivery drivers, face hazards on the job because of motor vehicle accidents. Crashes remain to be the leading reason behind fatalities in this field.
9. Underground Mining Machine Operators
Fatal injury rate: 21.6 per 100,000 workers.
Miners who operate heavy machinery as part of their job duties are at heightened risk for injury and fatality. Common reasons for fatalities to occur include incidents involving transportation, heavy machinery, and contacts with objects and other equipment.
10. Farmers and agricultural workers
Fatal injury rate: 20.9 per 100,000 workers.
Farmers and agricultural workers operate heavy machinery on a regular basis. This heavy machinery is typically the cause behind fatalities in this field. Crashes involving tractors are one of the most common reasons workers in this field get killed.
Invictus Law can help you get workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured on the job. If you have a claim for workers’ compensation in California and want to make sure you get the maximum coverage available, call Invictus Law today at 949-287-5711 and speak with a dedicated California workers’ compensation attorney to evaluate your claim.